Here at, we will provide you with the most comprehensive information regarding the different Price Match & Price Adjustment policies of top stores in the world. We are constantly reviewing, analyzing, and deciphering their policies – just so you don’t have to.
Our goal is to provide you with an easy way to locate & compare the Price Match & Adjustment policies of different retailers in a single place.
We have also embedded an option of comments so that you can share your opinions on these stores and their Price Match & Adjustment policies. Furthermore, a major advantage of the comments section is that many of your doubts will be solved here itself, as you can post your questions as a comment.
The Price Match & Adjustment of all the popular merchants will be posted here, and there will be a frequent update provided so that you have the correct information. Questions posted by you in the comments section would be solved daily.
Our Mission
Shopping is fun, but overpaying isn’t. Our mission is to help our visitors to get the best bang for their buck. Finding out whether or not a store owes you money isn’t difficult but it’s most certainly easier if all the information is kept neat, tidy and up to date – readily available at your fingertips. Up until now, we are tracking more than sixty of the biggest retail stores in the United States & Canada.
We also take equal measures to keep our posts in easy to understand language. So that the information we provide is also helpful for general users as well.
With the Price Match & Adjustment Policies of different stores in a single place, it would be very easy for you to compare for different stores. This, in turn, helps you to make your shopping experience better. Which is our main desire, and we hope we would succeed with your help, by helping you.